
Let's PLAY: Mural in Downtown Woodstock for Elm Street Arts


For a look at the video and process for this project check out our Instagram Story Highlight.

It was such a joy to work on this mural in Downtown Woodstock. The mural is at the entrance of the Downtown Woodstock playground. This magical woodland playground enables free play. There is music making, building materials, rock scrambles, tunnels and a huge climbing structure. It’s all set into a stand of trees. I can appreciate this playground both as a mom and a creative. The colors are so natural and there is shade. (Can I get an AMEN!) I love that the table are kid sized - it’s obvious that this play space is made for kids to play with kids. There is adult sized seating on the edges and the playground has pretty great visibility - something you look out for when you have more than one kiddo to mind.


The mural was designed by Dusty Beaulieu. It includes a quote from Magda Gerber and icons that reflect Elm Street’s many creative programs. Theater, music, and art are all represented in playful illustrations. The mural was painted in white over a natural concrete texture. We wanted to keep with the natural tone of the playground, so instead of painting the quote in over a white background, we painted around the quote letting the concrete shine through.


We really enjoyed this project and the chance to pick up our paint brushes and get outside. I love any opportunity to take our work out from behind a computer. Our business allows us to both design and bring our work to life.

We would love to do more mural and sign painting work, so hit us up if you have a project in mind! Till then, see ya on the playground!

Again, for a peek at the video and process for this project check out our Instagram Story Highlight.

Hello 2016! (New Years Coloring Printables)


Dusty and I are enjoying our rest a little bit too much. (Is that even possible?) With all the rest and relaxation, I am starting to get excited for the year to come. I love that feeling - I've missed it! The past month or so has been pretty tough. I’ve been battling some serious burnout on top of being sick for 2 weeks straight. (Also, emotional stuff, ahem, go away depression!) I’m always amazed at the true power of rest. It is amazing the way our bodies recover when we allow them to rest! My heart is feeling lighter and my body less achey. I've been watching all the Jurassic Park movies, listening to John Denver and sleeping so much. I’m feeling pretty excited to jump into 2016! What about you? Have you made any intentions for the new year?


I am thinking through a few. I want to set one around health, one around family, and one around art making. I’m nervous to set high and lofty goals for a whole year at a time. If I've learned anything this year, it's that so much can change in a day! The best New Year's resolution I can come up with is that I want to build in more time for gratitude each day. We will see what that looks like! 


This year has been BIG for the Beaulieu’s. We didn’t make New Years cards this year, but here are the highlights according to me:

We celebrated one year of beautiful, hilarious marriage. We started a business and worked on some amazing projects, like this, this and this. We’ve seen Paint Love serve over 894 children and teens through 33 wonderful events. We went from four to six nephews in a single day, and we found out that we have a niece or nephew Beaulieu due in 2016! YAS! Dusty taught his first painting class. I joined my first small group. I read, practiced yoga at a beautiful studio, wrote and dreamed, while Dusty completed some awesome woodworking projects. We did so many fun things I would never think to do on my own: metal concerts, Star Wars premier showing, and birthday trip to Nashville. I am telling you, I'm pretty boring without this guy! He's so cool!

This year was tough, but I think it was my favorite yet. So full of gratitude for everyone who was along for the ride! Thank you!

Enjoy these New Years coloring printables and the above phone backgrounds. (Download the high res coloring PDF here.) I made them 5x7 - easy to frame or make into cards. :) Would love to see what you make - tag me @madsbeaulieu! Have a safe and happy New Year!
