
5 Songs to Get You Out of a Work Funk

You Totally Got This - Playlist by Mad & Dusty

With summer ending and things resuming their busy pace over here, I’m finding myself getting a little funky. Are you finding this too? Maybe you’re in the middle of finishing up a bunch of projects and the deadlines are wreaking havoc on your sense of calm. (Let us be one of the first to let you know - You totally got this!!) When I’m in either scenario, I’ve found that these five songs pull me out of a work funk every time.  

Also, please look at this photo of Murphy. Obviously, even he is susceptible to occasional work funks! 

5 Songs to Lighten the Mood / Mad & Dusty

Heavy - Birdtalkers

There’s just something about this band’s sound and honesty. “The only way to lose that fearful feeling - replace it with love that's healing.” They just launched their first album! Check it out here.

Stand by Me - Cover by Florence and the Machine

Dusty sent me this song a few weeks ago. The cover was originally recorded for a video game (Final Fantasy). I can’t help but listen to this and feel all the feels.

Wake Me Up (Acoustic) - Aloe Blacc

Just a good singable song that speaks to me and where we’re at in this adventure.

Reaper - Sia

Such a good song to celebrate small successes. Find some small successes and keep them in mind when you find yourself fighting the bigger battles.

My Body - Cover by Volbeat

Dusty loves this band and recently got me liking them too. This is one of my favorite songs for getting back in the game… aka every Monday.


Listen to this 19 minute
You Totally Got This playlist on Spotify:

(Photo of our sweet pup Murphy by Angie Webb)